Daniel Schwind Oberhelman |
Born: 1986 | |
Father: Steven Lee Oberhelman | Mother: Mary Susan (Schwind) Oberhelman | Spouse: Samantha (Edwards) Oberhelman |
Children: none | ||
Siblings: Sara Schwind Oberhelman Eaton | ||
Individual Facts Known as: Dan |
Dan's Family Tree
- Daniel (m)b1986Daniel Schwind Oberhelman Daniel (m)1986-05-091986
- Steven Lee Oberhelman Steven (m)1951-03-031951
- Robert (m)b1923-d1975Robert Lewis Oberhelman Robert (m)1923-04-181923-1975-04-221975
- Lewis G Oberhelman Lewis (m)1880-04-251880-1927-01-101927
- August (m)b1854-d1912August Adolph OberhelmanAugust (m)1854-12-071854-1912-04-071912
- “Henry” Johann Gerhard Heinrich Oberhellmann“Henry” (m)18091809-18841884
- Johann (m)b1769-d1827Johann Eberhard OberhelmanJohann (m)1769-03-011769-1827-05-291827
- Johann Arend OberhelmanJohann (m)1715-03-011715-1795-12-091795
- Margaretha Maria KettlekampMargaretha (f)1732-03-051732-1799-02-161799
- Catherine (f)b1772-d1841Catherine Marie TiggemanCatherine (f)1772-08-301772-1841-01-151841
- Minnie (f)b1851-d1925Minnie (Foskule) OberhelmanMinnie (f)1851-08-151851-1925-10-251925
- Hannah Gerherdine (Carstens) Oberhelman Hannah (f)1882-06-071882-1964-05-241964
- Helen (f)b1923-d1997Helen Carolyn (Herrmann) Oberhelman Helen (f)1923-07-171923-1997-06-251997
- George Michael Herrmann George (m)18851885-19621962
- Mary Ella (McConeky) Herrmann Mary (f)18911891-19751975
- John (m)b1856-d1943John McConeky John (m)1856-01-011856-1943-01-011943
- Mary (f)b1867-d1958Mary (Marrin) McConeky Mary (f)1867-01-011867-1958-01-011958
- Mary Susan (Schwind) Oberhelman Mary (f)1954-06-231954-2004-04-032004
- Joseph (m)b1919-d2007Joseph Anthony Schwind Joseph (m)1919-04-301919-2007-09-202007
- Anthony Joseph SchwindAnthony (m)18891889-19621962
- Joseph (m)b1860-d1945Joseph F SchwindJoseph (m)1860-12-201860-1945-10-101945
- Jacob SchwindJacob (m)1821-04-251821-1883-07-021883
- Mary (f)b1867-d1930Mary A (Koob) SchwindMary (f)1867-10-281867-1930-06-141930
- Anton KoobAnton (m)1834-08-011834-1906-03-211906
- Mary (Sauser) KoobMary (f)1841-11-141841-1921-10-071921
- Mary Ann Mayme (Tallman) SchwindMary (f)18861886-19861986
- John (m)b1857-d1940John Francis TallmanJohn (m)1857-12-221857-1940-03-011940
- John TallmanJohn (m)1821-02-011821-1856-04-011856
- Ellen (f)b1826-d1881Ellen (Curley) TallmanEllen (f)1826-02-011826-1881-12-231881
- Ellen (Curley) TallmanEllen (f)1826-02-011826-1881-12-231881
- Margaret (f)b1857-d1925Margaret (Finn) TallmanMargaret (f)1857-06-011857-1925-12-161925
- Timothy FinnTimothy (m)1812-02-011812-1881-12-281881
- Hanorah (Pender) FinnHanorah (f)1825-02-011825-1900-03-221900
- Edith (f)b1921-d1998Edith Mary (Kingsley) Schwind Edith (f)1921-04-141921-1998-04-151998
- Walter Francis KingsleyWalter (m)18971897-19641964
- William (m)b1861-d1923William H KingsleyWilliam (m)1861-11-251861-1923-05-231923
- William Howard Kingsley SrWilliam (m)1822-09-211822-1900-04-191900
- Bridgett (Gilloon) KingsleyBridgett (f)1830-02-011830-1899-02-011899
- Catherine (f)b1862-d1949Catherine “Katie” (OConnor) KingsleyCatherine (f)1862-12-081862-1949-05-151949
- Patrick O’ConnorPatrick (m)1810-02-011810-1895-07-151895
- Anna O’ConnellAnna (f)1825-02-011825-1909-07-021909
- Ella (Siegert) KingsleyElla (f)18961896-19281928
- Eugene (m)b1856-d1947Eugene SiegertEugene (m)1856-05-241856-1947-08-121947
- Christopher Frederick SiegertChristopher (m)1828-03-311828-1905-09-151905
- Leonora (Barnes) SiegertLeonora (f)1832-10-271832-1915-02-071915
- Barbara (f)b1865-d1957Barbara Anna (Dollas) SiegertBarbara (f)1865-07-141865-1957-12-251957
- George DollasGeorge (m)1830-02-011830-1890-02-011890
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